How to Stay Motivated During Challenging Times


Life will always throw you curveballs at times when you least expect them, and this might be in the form of personal problems, setbacks at work, or even crises of a global magnitude. At such times, it’s just about impossible to try and remain motivated. However, a positive mindset coupled with resilience will get you through such times. The following are ways you could retain your motivation even when things get tough.

Have a Growth Mindset

The growth mindset, one of the most powerful motivation enhancers, is attained when one adopts the approach of turning challenges into opportunities. Instead of a setback being some form of defeat, it should be regarded as a lesson in disguise. “Every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new and become stronger.” When you come into life with this type of mentality, barriers become stepping stones to success rather than roadblocks【9†source】.

Break Big Goals down into Small Steps

Large goals may be overwhelming when there are challenges. This is where breaking your goals into smaller, manageable tasks can make a big difference. Every small victory builds up to the bigger picture, giving you a sense of accomplishment. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” Celebrate the small wins; they motivate you enough to keep you moving on【6†source】【9†source】.

Prioritize Self-Care

It’s very easy when times are hard to stop paying attention to one’s self-care in order to muscle through. The truth is, your mind and body are worth taking care of. Give yourself time to replenish-whatever it is, meditation, sports, or just breathing with your thoughts. “You can’t pour from an empty cup-take care of yourself first.” Later on, this will give you the revitalized energy to welcome the challenges in a fresh light【6†source】【9†source】.

Draw on Support from Others

You do not have to face difficult times by yourself. Seek help from your friends, family, or even colleagues. A good network will be able to encourage you emotionally and keep you responsible for your actions. “Surround yourself with people who lift you higher.” Leaning on others in times of need lightens the load and renews your determination【6†source】【9†source】.

Be Flexible and Adaptive

Life is unpredictable, and adaptability forms the very foundation of motivation. When things don’t go according to plan, be flexible in approach. Adaptability does not imply giving up on goals but finding new ways of reaching your goals. “It’s not the strongest who survive but those who adapt to change.” Change is life, and accepting it will help in sustaining motivation during critical times【7†source】【9†source】. 6. Keep a Positive Attitude

Your mindset can make or break your ability to stay motivated. Positive thinking not only boosts your mood but also helps you face difficulties head-on. Practicing gratitude, using affirmations, and focusing on what you can control are ways to build a positive outlook. “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Concentrate on your strengths and keep your thoughts optimistic even when challenges arise【7†source】【9†source】.

Set milestones and reward yourself

Set realistic milestones for yourself along the way and celebrate when you reach them. Rewards keep you motivated and remind you of how far you’ve come. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and each step deserves celebration.” These small moments of reward will motivate you to keep moving toward your ultimate goals【7†source】【9†source】.


Not always easy to stay motivated when going through hardships, but with the right attitude and tool, yes, it’s achievable. Embrace the challenge, break down goals into smaller ones, take care of yourself, find support, be flexible, and cultivate a positive attitude. “Remember, tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” Keep going-you got this! Follow these steps to make a bigger plan of resilience, motivation, and growing on the other side of the coin.

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